Creative Director
Animals in Africa and around the world are in danger. We are reminded constantly through both films and PSAs, but the format can be ineffective in spreading the message of conservation and preservation. What if someone was given the same message, but in a positive way that made them feel happy to give money and support, which in turn would make the whole experience 100% enjoyable? What if the viewer could experience some of the same sights, sounds, and feelings as the animals that they are helping?
Umoja (Unity) is a flythrough, prototype experience in an HD Omni theatre environment that allows guests to explore Africa in a way they’ve never been able to before. The guests see the wildlife as they are meant to be seen - in the wild - rather than how they are presented in captivity. By using automation and pneumatic technology, Umoja becomes an entertaining and exciting interactive experience that can instill in the rider a sense of hope, purpose, and an intimate connection to the animals. By creating a relationship with the animals and their natural environment, we hope to ignite a passion to help save these precious creatures.
Umoja! Fly over Africa from a bird’s eye view. Experience its landscapes teaming with wildlife and culture. In this Omni theatre like simulator, you will experience Africa from a bird’s point of view, while also learning about conservation efforts and how you can help. Come fly in Umoja!
Creative/Technical Director-Tom Kelly
Film-Daniel Kelly
Animation-Tina Liao
Animation-Xuelai Zhang
Lighting Designer-Zara Bucci
Screenwriter-Nikhil Kashyap
Production Team
Technical Director-John Walker Moosbrugger
Production Manager-Kat Landry
Assistant Technical Director-Julian Goldman
Automation-Frank Myer
Automation-Trent Taylor
Automation-Chris Norville
Media assistance-Kevin Loney
Production Crew-Alex Kaplan
Production Crew-Lauren Miller
Production Crew-Chris Calder
Music by Alex Boye/The Piano Guys- Peponi (Paradise,Coldplay)
Process Photos