Civil war Chess board
Fine Woodworking
Design Intent-Made in Adobe Photoshop
On a cross country road trip I found some pewter franklin mint Civil War chess pieces. I found 31 of the 32 pieces but they didn't have the board. Later I bought the missing piece but decided that I would rather make my own board than buy the one made by Franklin Mint. I designed the board in photoshop then built it over three days using Redheart Turn, Maple, and pine woods. Shown on the checker pattern is a period map of the civil war states, the names of the states and other large landmarks are legible. The text surrounding the board is Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address which many credit to the powerful and telling summary of the American Civil War. At the four corners of the board are Celtic decals often found on army uniforms and the surrounding trim is salvaged from late 19th early 20th century baseboards and chair rails.
Construction photos of board